Scientific Interests - Climate Science

Current research

Currently I'm a PostDoc at CNR-ISAC of Turin, working on the field of climate science in the Destination Earth project and in the EPOCHAL project in the framework of the paleoclimate.


EPOCHAL (Earth system modeling of PaleOClimatic HyperthermALs) is a PRIN project that aims to study the paleoclimate with the use of Earth system models. In particular, I'm working on the implementation of lower resolutions in the EC-Earth4 model, in order to be able to run long simulations of the paleoclimate. This will require appropriate modifications of the boundary, initial, and forcing conditions.

The low resolution version of the model will give to the paleoclimatic community a valuable tool to run simulation with a well tested and validated model, that will garantuee a continuous support and development in the future.

Destination Earth

From ECMWF website:

Using an unprecedented amount of data, innovative Earth system models and cutting-edge computing, Destination Earth will allow users to explore interactively the different components of the Earth system and natural and human-induced change. They will be able and to look at the past and present and to test and develop future scenarios.
On the ECMWF website you can find more information about the project and the concept of digital twins.

AQUA package

In the framework of the Destination Earth project, I'm working on the implementation of a quality assessment tool for climate simulations. This is AQUA (Application for Quality Assessment and Uncertainty quantification), composed by a central framework that provide data access and preprocessing functionalities, together with a series of modular and independent diagnostics. These will be run in the context of Destination Earth to continuously monitor and evaluate the simulation runs.
A first version of the tool has been presented at the 2nd Destination Earth User Exchange in November 2023. The poster is available for download below.

AQUA poster