Scientific Interests - Astrophysics

Researcher in astrophisics

My research during the PhD lied in the field of high-energy astrophysics and its connection with plasma physics, having the primary goal of investigating high-energy emissions from extragalactic sources through (relativistic) magneto-hydrodynamical simulations.
The research aims at studying the role of particles acceleration due to magnetic reconnection in astrophysical sources, through the implementation of a current sheet detection algorithm and the calculation of post-reconnection particles energy distribution based on the fluid quantities surrounding the acceleration site and the results of Particles-in-a-cell simulations reported in the literature.

Magnetic Reconnection

Magnetic reconnection is a plasma process that dissipates the energy stored in magnetic field into plasma kinetic energy, through a rearrangement of magnetic field topology, resulting in particles heating and acceleration.
It is thought to play an important role in numerous astrophysical sources like gamma-ray bursts and jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN). Magnetic reconnection and shock acceleration are usually invoked among the possible mechanisms to produce particle non-thermal spectra.

Cosmic Rays

Cosmic Rays are the radiations coming from outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Their motion in the galaxyis described by the transport equation. In my Master thesis I developed a module of the PLUTO code to study the effects of an anisotropic spatial diffusion coefficient and compared the results with observations of progressive hardening of the proton slope at low galactic radii in the CRs spectrum as showed by Fermi-LAT data.